Tuesday, January 4, 2011

More pictures just cuz she's cute!

I just wanted to post a few recent pictures!

Ellie found my sister-in-law's workout videos. Don't worry Debra, they are safe now!

My favorite facial expression Ellie makes.

So tired!

Funny expression

Almost crawling!

Last Wednesday I was sitting at the computer desk while Ellie was in the middle of the room happily playing with her toys. It was a huge surprise when I turned my head to check on her and she was slowly inching her way next to me! She really wanted to play with the exersaucer, which was next to me. Since then she has really taken off. She is getting on her hands and knee's and really trying to crawl. She does get around pretty good by scooting though.

I hope you don't mind my baby talk :). For some reason my voice gets more high pitched and my English get's really bad. I know it's supposed to be I'm sorry, not "I sorry".

Just a side note, I had moved her toy back when she got upset in the video.


The weekend before Christmas Ellie was extremely fussy. I thought that she may have possibly been teething, but I had been thinking that every time she got fussy for the pas 3 months! This time I was right. Her first tooth cut through her gums just a couple of days before Christmas. She was so much happier! This week her second front bottom tooth came in. I have a feeling that we are going to be seeing more soon.