Monday, April 26, 2010

37 weeks

What a day it has been today! I had my Dr. appointment this morning. It went well. Everything is still average! My doctor checked my cervix again today and I am now 2 cm. dilated and 50% effaced. He said that that is normal for this time during pregnancy.

I've been washing the cute little clothes that we have, and so far I haven't ruined any of them! I don't know why I've been so scared to ruin them. I don't usually have problems like that doing laundry anyway! I still have quite a bit to do today, but I need a break!

Just a little while ago I needed to use the restroom. After going I noticed I was bleeding. I was completely freaked out! I wasn't sure what was going on so I hurried to the phone and called my Doctors office. The blood wasn't heavy at all, it was just pink. It turns out that getting your cervix checked can cause spotting. I was just told to keep watching it and if it gets heavier to go straight to labor and delivery. I bet it will just stop though. I kind of felt dumb after the phone call because I was completely freaked out and I'm sure they could hear that in my voice. Now I know the difference between heavy bleeding and spotting. I used to think that spotting was when you would just have a couple of little spots of blood, but it turns out that it is when it is pink, or brown and light. That is nice to know!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Getting ready for baby

The due date is rapidly approaching so I am taking this next few weeks to prepare for her to come. I've been trying to get our apartment and everything in order and completely cleaned up. I deep cleaned the car on Saturday, then Steven installed the base of the car seat. It is nice to have that part taken care of! I've been trying to get all of the laundry here done too. I started with my laundry, so I still have to wash all of the blankets, bedding, toys and baby clothes. Then I need to clean the bassinet again. It is already all dusty. I have read that it is good to have a bag packed for the hospital. I'm still not quite sure what to pack, but I guess I should start getting all of that ready. I should probably make a list. If anyone has any ideas on what I should pack let me know! I also want to make a bunch of meals that I can freeze in advance so that I don't have to worry about cooking for the first couple of weeks after our baby is born. All I can think of making is chicken enchiladas, so if you know of any good meals that are good for freezing feel free to share them with me :).

Friday, April 16, 2010

swollen feet

The night before last when I was going to bed I took off my socks and noticed that my ankles were a little puffier than normal. I didn't think much of it and went to bed. Last night and tonight my feet and ankles are HUGE! It looks like I injured both of them. I've also noticed that my shoes feel extra tight in the evening. Pregnancy is really a miracle and in a couple of ways it is beautiful, but some of these symptoms really aren't! I feel so weird and huge! Luckily I only have about 4 weeks of this left! Then I get to meet the little girl that makes this whole thing beautiful!

Monday, April 12, 2010

short update..

A couple nights ago Steven told me that he really wanted a longer, more traditional name for our little girl. We got online and looked at baby names again and decided that Elizabeth would work perfectly. That way we can still call her Ellie for short. She is already Ellie to me so a major change probably wouldn't be okay :). So as of right now her name will be Elizabeth Mae.

Today I had my Appointment for week 35. I had to get the group B strep test done and my Dr. checked to see how far my cervix has dilated. He said that it isn't quite 1 cm. yet, but it is right where it is supposed to be at this time. He said that my body is doing exactly what it needs to for a regular delivery. It's pretty crazy that the doctors can tell just by feeling it. My little baby's head is down which is also a very good thing! I weighed the same this morning as I did at my last appointment. That is a good thing though. I kind of pigged out before going to my last appointment so I was a little heavier. I won't share how much I weigh now though. It's crazy that we only have around 5 weeks left!!