Length: 26 1/4 in. 70%
Head circumference: 42 cm 45%
On November 12 Ellie turned 6 months old. I really wish time would slow down a little! There have been so many changes is such a short amount of time. She is developing quite the personality! It's so cute. She laughs and talks so much. She is really getting the hang of playing with her toys and really enjoys doing that. She is sitting up on her own now. I will put the boppy pillow around her so that she can't just fall back and hurt herself when she gets tired.She is also rolling over from her back to her belly. She started doing that a while back, I think I wrote a post about it. She's not crawling yet (thankfully :)), but I have a feeling that she will be pretty soon. We really need to get a move on baby proofing our home! She is eating more solids now. So far she really likes sweet potatoes, sweet carrots, squash and peaches. She's not too fond of rice cereal, but she will eat it if I mix in one of the veggies with it. She's also eating anywhere from 4 to 6 oz. at a time. Her favorite things to do are playing with her daddy, bouncing in the bouncer that hangs from the door frame, talking, sucking on her pacifier, and riding in the stroller. The things she HATES are once again that nasal aspirator, public restrooms and the doctors office. I think that the sound of the toilets flushing in public restrooms scares her. She is a ton of fun and cute as ever!
she is so cute! It was fun having a dance party with her at grandma's. I love her little smile.