Sunday, August 9, 2009


Well I am on my period. I was bad though and didn't do what I said I was going to do. I took a pregnancy test yesterday. Not because I thought it would last, but because I wanted to know that all of the symptoms I've been having weren't just in my head. It was a faint positive which is a yes. I knew it wouldn't last though. I wish the symptoms would just go away faster though. They are feeling a little more intense today. I'm sure they will be gone in a few days. One of my "friends" on my facebook page is pregnant and almost every day she writes about how much she hates having her symptoms. I wish that I could tell her to get over it and to be greatful that she is pregnant. I don't think I've ever hear anyone complain about it more than her. It's just so annoying to me right now!

Friday, August 7, 2009


So I am hoping that I don't start my period. I am having a couple of symptoms like sore breasts, some fatigue, and I'm a little emotional. I don't wan't to get my hopes up though. Tomorrow is day 28 of my cycle and I probably will start my period. I guess I sometimes get these same symptoms when I am getting ready to start my period. I know that the only way to know would be to take a pregnancy test, but I'm not using another one of those things until I am very late for a period. Blah. I wish that I had some answers so that I could have a little more control of what is happening.

Yesterday I was feeling really down about everything. It is hard to imagine ever having a sucessful pregnancy. I can't even imagine making it to the first 8 week dr. appointment to see the heartbeat. Hopefully it will happen for me soon!

I also hate hearing people complain about their pregnancy symptoms. I will be so greatful whe I actually get to have more of them. I will be glad to have morning sickness. Even if it is uncomfortable, it is for a good reason! People having pregnancy symptoms should just be glad that they are pregnant! :p I probably would have complained about them too if I just got pregnant and never miscarried. But just being in this position has changed my perception I guess. I sometimes feel jelous of the people that are pregnant with babies that are due at the same time mine would be due. I will hopefully get over that soon. Well that is all for now.