Saturday, December 12, 2009

weeks 16, 17 and entering 18

It seems like the last couple of weeks have been pretty eventful, but I have forgotten to update this blog. During week 16 of my pregnancy I had a dr. appointment. Everything sounded good! They used the little doppler machine and I got to hear my baby's heartbeat for the first time. It is always such a relief to know that there is still a living baby in there! I've had a couple of interesting symptoms as well. I haven't had morning sickness, actually I have my appetite back now. I am wanting all of the bad foods that I wanted before I got pregnant. I'm not sure that that is a good thing, but oh well. There was one morning last week I woke up and needed to blow my nose because I was having a hard time breathing. When I blew my nose I realized that blood was dripping everywhere! I don't normally get bloody noses. I've probably had about 3 that were like that in my life. Before I got the big bloody nose I had noticed that there was a larger amount of blood coming out than normal, but I didn't think much of it. After my real bloody nose, there was hardly any blood at all. I think I am getting ready to have another one soon though.

One day I was working last week and I had made some stupid mistake. It really wasn't a big deal, but at that moment it was and I started crying! I couldn't hold it back. The problem with that is that I couldn't stop crying. So I was embarrassed about my mistake and embarrassed because I was crying. It was terrible. I have felt a strong urge to cry a few time this past couple of weeks, but I've been strong since then. Hopefully nothing too stressful happens... It could be scary!

Last week I was sick with a little cold. I felt miserable. I was so tired, but I couldn't seem to ever get any sleep! I had to work and go to school during the day, and at night my nose would get so plugged up that I couldn't breath and it would wake me up. It was terrible! Luckily I am starting to feel much better! Hopefully I'll be able to get some good sleep before my belly grows a lot and I can't get comfortable.

Well that is all I can think of for now. I will have my next dr. appointment on January 5th. That will be the big ultrasound when I get to find out if I need to buy pink or blue!!

1 comment:

  1. 16th Week Pregnancy: The muscles start to become stronger and head and neck start to grow straight. The uterus starts to move upwards.

    17th Week Pregnancy: Baby works more on reflexes this week including sucking, blinking and swallowing. During the following month the weight of baby will increase 6 folds.

    18th Week Pregnancy: The eyes and ears come on the right place in this week. The toes and fingertips develop pads. The fecal waste starts to develop in the bowel of baby.
