Before having Ellie I was so excited that I wouldn't have to work (you know, the type of job where you get paid). I looked forward to making my own decisions on how take care of my baby, and I wouldn't have to worry about other people putting me down for the way I raised my baby. Now that I am a stay at home mom I have learned that it is a lot harder than I expected. Don't get me wrong, I love staying with my baby all day everyday. There is just so much more pressure. I do get to choose what to do with my cute little girl, but I have learned that everybody thinks they are baby experts. I'm just going to make a list of all of the things some people think are wrong.
Some people think it is bad to:
be induced
have an epidural
have a c-section
feed your baby formula
get you baby vaccinated
let your baby watch any amount of T.V.
use disposable diapers
let your baby cry at all
put your baby in a crib
use a swing or stroller to help your baby sleep
let your child eat any solids before the age of 6 months (including rice cereal)
I'm sure there are more things to write, but that's all I can think of right now.
So I got my labor induced, had an epidural, feed my baby formula, got her vaccinated, I let her watch some T.V., I use disposable diapers, I've had times where I couldn't get Ellie to stop crying, I don't co-sleep, sometimes I take Ellie for walks in her stroller just because I know she will fall asleep, and I will start feeding her solids as soon as her pediatrician tells us it's okay.
So as you can see, I am a terrible mom (I'm being sarcastic).
To me what really matters is that Ellie is happy and healthy! I don't neglect her in any way, and she is very loved!
Now I have vented and I am going to move on and continue enjoying my baby. Judge away!