Saturday, February 13, 2010

Weird Dreams
So last night I had a series of weird dreams that had to do with taking care of babies. At first I was in the hospital visiting some lady who just had Twins. She let me hold one and he just started bawling so I had to give him right back to her. Then I was at home and I realized that my baby was here and I had to start using all of the baby stuff I have. It was hard because I had to changer her clothes, but I was having a hard time cleaning all of the clothes off of the changing table. It was covered in them! Then I had to find some pajamas for her, which took me a while. After that dream I started dreaming that I went to buy some new pet fish. I started out with 2, but then realized that there was a little tiny baby fish in the aquarium. I was really freaked out because I didn't want it to get eaten or squished by the other 2 fish so I was trying to keep it safe. Then all of a sudden I had a lot of different types of fish in my aquarium, each type had a little baby one in there. I was just so worried that they would all get eaten! Then I couldn't find the first baby fish. I woke up after that! I have such weird dreams!

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