Friday, May 7, 2010

8 days left!

This picture was taken when I was 38 weeks 4 days pregnant

Today Steven told me that he wants Ellie to be born now, so we decided to run A LOT of errands. Lets just say I did a lot of walking today. I have been told that walking helps things move along for labor. Lets hope that all of that walking will pay off! I am sure going to be sore tonight.

In a past post on this blog I had talked about a car seat/stroller combo. that I bought at Kidz again. Just as a refresher, the car seat was on the recall list and we had lost the receipt. I didn't think we were going to do anything about it so it had just been sitting in our garage for the last couple of months. Well today Steven decided that we should try to take it back and explain what had happened. They were awesome about it. They found the car seat on the recall list and apologized over and over again. They said that they normally look stuff up and make sure that they don't sell bad stuff, but somehow that car seat got skipped. They then gave us a complete refund! I was thinking that if they were going to do anything they would give us store credit or something. They kept the stroller too. It feels really good to have that taken care of. I am really glad that they were so willing to take care of the problem too, especially since we didn't have any proof that we had bought it there. We went over to babies R Us afterward and found a stroller that matches our car seat and are thinking about buying it.

We have decided that we will schedule a day to be induced if Ellie doesn't come on her own by my Dr. appointment on Monday. We have decided on Thursday. I talked to some people and I don't see anything wrong with getting my labor induced. I will only be 2 days short of my due date, so it's not like she will be coming extremely early. I am already dilated and my cervix has already thinned enough for everything to work out okay. I think one of the main concerns is that the mothers cervix isn't ready for labor, but mine is already doing what it is supposed to. I have heard about people who had to get induced really early because of medical problems and there main problem was that their cervix wouldn't do what it was supposed to. I've heard of one person being in labor for over 24 hours and her cervix only dilated to a 1, after being induced. She ended up needing a C-section. I think that my situation is completely different, so I don't think that mine will go that way. My Dr. wouldn't have even mentioned it if he didn't think it would work.

1 comment:

  1. I love your floating baby count down. I'm really excited for you guys. You will be great parents.
